First Day of School

August 27, 2008

I’m happy to report that both my babes did great on their first day of school.  Lucy even took a good nap!  That was my only concern was that she wouldn’t go down for them, but they worked their magic and she slept 🙂  It was a good day for all.  While they were at MDO I went to Whit’s house and helped watched her make a nap mat cover, pillow case and blanket for Eli.  I did buy the material and iron and cut a little, but all the magic happened when it was in her hands.  THANK YOU SO MUCH! Not only for sewing, but for doing it during your kid free time.  I definitely owe you! I will post pictures soon. Here are the kiddos this morning before school.  Eli was in the car and telling me he was ready at 8:40!!! (I was loading up their school supplies, nap mats, etc and he climbed in)  While he was in the car I told Lucy to get her bag so we could go and she went and got her lunch box and put it on her arm and walked to the door.  It was too cute and of course my camera was not handy at that moment.  Here is a picture of her attempting to carry her backpack around after seeing Eli with his.  Eli felt so big wearing his backpack on his back!  It’s a little big on him, but so was his t-shirt today 🙂 


Taywor and WeAnn

August 27, 2008

This past weekend we went to Murray’s dinner theater to celebrate Nathan’s grandma’s 83rd birthday.  Sadly I have no pictures to document the actual outing, but I do have pictures of our short but sweet visit with Uncle Taylor and Aunt Lee Ann, or as Eli says Taywor and WeAnn. 🙂  It was great seeing everyone.  We look forward to the holidays when we will get to see everyone, but until then we will take all the quick visit we can get.

so proud

August 27, 2008

So, when I was pregnant with Lucy I was introduced to file folder games.  You buy this book of different games that teach matching, opposites, colors, letters, etc. and then cut them out and put them together on file folders. There are the books that come already colored and ready to be cut and pasted or the ones that require you to color them and then cut and paste.  I love to color so I thought “How fun, I get to color and Eli and Lucy get to use the end product for fun and learning!” Well, over a year later I still had only colored like 4 games worth of pages and hadn’t cut or pasted.  I made it all harder than it needed to be with outlining first and just being particular so much so that my hand would cramp up. (I know, ridiculous)  About a week or two ago I was deteremined to get some friggin games done, cut and pasted so I could laminate them and present them to Eli to use.  I was able to get 5 or 6 done and laminated.  I told Eli we had new games to play. He was very excited.  I anticipated it being a little tricky at first, but to my surprise Eli was all over the game.  He knew what to do without me having to explain on the first game.  You have to match the kites to the kites in the file folder based on their color.  He finished that one and asked for another.  The others were harder than that one, but again he just acted like he had done this before.  I was so proud.  I went and got the camera 🙂  Now, I must also say that there are moments that don’t go this smoothly and projects/games that I have great plans for that he just doesn’t do well or click with, so I’m not trying to say that he is always this easy or picks up on everything without fits from frustration, believe me, we have to work on how he deals with being frustrated.  But on this occasion he did so well and I felt so proud.  It really motivated me to get more files done!  So, this post is me celebrating a fun moment in this crazy experience called mothering. 

good friends

August 21, 2008

We got to have Campbell over earlier this week for a whole day.  Eli was in heaven!  We went and played at the tube room and got Chic fil a for lunch and played non stop.  When Campbell’s Mimi pulled into our driveway Eli immediately started crying cause he knew that meant his fun day was coming to an end.  It is so fun to see how much they enjoy each other, especially since Nathan and I enjoy his mommy and daddy so much 😉  I pray that their friendship will grow as they get older.

what’s on my heart

August 17, 2008

Over the past week or two my mind has been like a tornado of thoughts, realizations, questions……I have felt a rush of emotions…….It is all a bit overwhelming, but in a good way.  I don’t even know how to put it in to words right now, so I won’t go there, but I wanted to share some lyrics.  When I got home from church today I turned on itunes and set it to random.  About 3 songs in I heard the lyrics of a song I wasn’t familiar with, but felt drawn to and so I set it to repeat.  It really spoke to me in this season of life I find myself in.  So, here are the lyrics.  It’s titled I Repent by Derek Webb

i repent, i repent of my pursuit of america’s dream
i repent, i repent of living like i deserve anything
of my house, my fence, my kids, my wife
in our suburb where we’re safe and white
i am wrong and of these things i repenti repent, i repent of parading my liberty
i repent. i repent of paying for what i get for free
and for the way i believe that i am living right
by trading


sins for others that are easier to hide
i am wrong and of these things i repentbridge
i repent judging by a law that even i can’t keep
of wearing righteousness like a disguise
to see through the planks in my own eyes

i repent, i repent of trading

truth for false unity
i repent, i repent of confusing peace and idolatry
by caring more of what they think than what i know of what we need
by domesticating you until you look just like me
i am wrong and of these things i

truth for false unity
i repent, i repent of confusing peace and idolatry
by caring more of what they think than what i know of what we need
by domesticating you until you look just like me
i am wrong and of these things i

I am especially struck by the line “by domesticating you until you look just like me”…………………So, that’s all I’ve got


August 16, 2008

A friend of mine found a small, sweetie puppy on her front porch.  She has 2 big dogs and a baby, so she really can’t keep it.  Anybody in need of some puppy lovin?  If you are interested, let me know and I will contact my friend. 

top 3 male dancers in sytycd 2021

Love me some Savers

August 15, 2008

We ventured out to Savers the other night and found some great bargains!  I had read on another blog about how they went to Goodwill and found puzzles for .99 and became inspired to try and find some bargains for us.  We found a Dr. Suess Green Eggs and Ham game that is for 2-4 years for 69cents!!! Then we found a box of large wooden beads that were missing the 2 shoe strings it was supposed to have.  You know, the educational set to teach about threading and hand/eye coordination.  It was marked for like $3, but I told the cashier it was missing the strings and she said how about 69 cents……um, okay. I figured we could use a shoe string or something, but it turned out Nathan had a very long string that was perfect for the beads.  When Nathan was showing Eli how to put the beads on he said “Look what we can do!”  Eli must have said that 5 more times while they were playing with the beads.  Savers has already put out tons of Halloween stuff, so we looked through everything and Eli found a pirate hat.  It was the least of my bargains, since it wasn’t used it cost $1.99.  And last, I found about 6 pajama bottom pants for Lucy, each costing 99 cents. 

Uncle Elliott

August 15, 2008

Last Sunday, Nathan’s brother, Elliott, was passing through and stopped in to visit.  Eli and Lucy were already asleep when he arrived, so the next morning when Eli found out he was here he was very excited!  He had such a great time playing with him.  He was talking about it hours after he left.  When it was time for Elliott to head out that morning Eli ran into the kitchen with a sad face and exclaimed “Elliott finished his coffee!!! He has to go bye bye!”  It was a hard moment for our little guy.