Lucy Lou

January 22, 2008

weight limit???

January 22, 2008

I guess Lucy made this look like a ton of fun, cause as soon as she gets out Eli jumps on in! I would think there must be some kind of max weight limit. Oh well…………

Nathan’s Birthday Dinner

January 22, 2008

Nathan’s birthday was last week and to help us celebrate my mom and dad had us over for a birthday dinner. Here are some pictures.

100% Boy

January 22, 2008

Once again I find my son enjoying dirt. What’s that about? He started out just playing in the dirt and throwing it around and then at some point he must have thought “Huh, this stuff looks tasty!” It’s because of these moments that I decided to read Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson, in hopes that I might get some kind of understanding into the ways of little boys. Even though it is gross, it makes for cute pictures 🙂 Enjoy!

Happy 28th Nathan

January 16, 2008

Below is a copy of Nathan’s birth announcement, seemed appropriate and then a couple of pictures that I like so I thought I would throw those in, too. Wasn’t he such a cute kid??!!

Date Night!!!!!!

January 13, 2008

Nathan and I had a much needed date night this evening. As we were driving to the Rave we were trying to decide the last time we went out just the two of us and it was in Oct for our anniversary! Before you feel too sorry for us, we have been on dates and such without our children, just not all by ourselves. We love love our dates with friends, but it was fun being just the two of us. We went and saw a movie and then went out to eat. When we got to the restaurant there was a 45 min wait. A few years ago I would have thought twice about staying, but now-a-days I enjoy the excuse to not be in any hurry and have to wait. We really enjoyed our outing. Thank you grandpa Jerry for babysitting and grandma Arlene for our Outback gift card (it was a Christmas present).

good friends

January 12, 2008

Sadly, we had two funerals this past week. One for my great aunt Pat and one for great uncle JD. Pat was on my Grandpa Brown’s side of the family (my mom’s dad) and JD was on my Mema’s side of the family (my mom’s mom). Lucy is still small enough that I can take her to the visitations and ceremonies, but Eli is far from it 🙂 Luckily our good friends Ms Victoria, Cal and Laney were available to play with Eli all morning. Victoria just emailed me the pictures of the boys playing and I couldn’t resist sharing them with all of you. Thank you so very much for loving on Eli while we were away.

what an angel!

January 12, 2008

My mom’s side of the family all got together tonight at US Pizza. She had a handful of relatives in town that we hardly ever get to see. My original plan was to leave the kids at home to avoid any chance of a stressful night, but some of my cousins asked to meet Eli. So Nathan and I decided we would all go and he would take the kids when it was bedtime and head home. (what a sweet husband I have!!) Eli wasn’t just good, he was exceptional tonight. No fits, no meltdowns, he waved at all the different people that he met, he ate his food, he looked at the camera and smiled for several pictures…………..just really really good and agreeable. One time he came to me crying because Nana had left the room and he wanted her to stay, but just sad, not frustrated fit. It was a good time. I really enjoyed seeing all the Brown’s. I have many pictures of tonight, but for now I will keep it to these few. I am too tired to mess with the others right now. I should also mention that Lucy was a sweetie, too. I think she only spit up on 1 or 2 people and I was one of them 🙂