My little big boy

March 31, 2008

Every Sunday we have lunch with 2 other couples. It is our community group through church. Anyway, Eli always loves the attention he gets when we have guests, but today he was something else, it was so cute. So everyone gets here and we have the table all set up and he starts to tell whoever will listen where his seat will be at the table. Next we all gather in the kitchen to fix drinks and get our plates and he looks around and sees everyone has big cups, so he decides he doesn’t want his sippy cup. I tell him that’s okay and reach for one of his small big boy cups to which he becomes distraught and says he wants one like ours. I finally talk him out of it, cause come on, a 2 year old with a large cup…….yeah, that’s what I thought…….anyway, so we all go sit down and he wants whatever we have on our plates on his plate. He is studying what everyone else is doing. He kept looking at Chris sitting next to him and talking about whatever he could think of, like “You drink wemonade?” If someone said something funny and we all laughed, he would look around and laugh with us. He noticed that a few of us reached out for a paper towel and pull it off the roll, so he reached out to do the same. ANYTHING we were doing, he was doing his best to keep up and be a part of the group. I know my writing about it isn’t really describing it the way I would like it to, but it’s the best I got. It was a precious moment for me, to look at my baby boy and see the wheels turning in his head. To see him make conversation and interact with the group. I’ve never seen him do anything like this………..Well, enough rambling. I sadly have no video or pictures to show from today, so I thought I would just put a random picture or two up. And since we are talking about my kids, I thought I would add that Lucy is crawling very well and fast AND is pulling up on everything!!!! I’m afraid she will be walking before long. She isn’t even 9months yet!


March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

March 23, 2008

Egg Hunt

March 23, 2008

Today our church had an Easter Egg hunt. We first met inside where they had kids opening resurrection eggs and talking about the meaning of Easter. We said a prayer and then it was off to the field to “hunt” for eggs. It’s kind of funny to me, they just lay them all over the grass, no hiding involved. 🙂 I totally understand, I mean it was for kids 2 and under, but it is still funny to me. Eli filled his basket FULL! He had a great time finding eggs and an even better time opening them to find candy. “chocolate is good, mommy” or “this is yummy” Afterwards we went to celebrate Campbell’s 3rd birthday and had more yummy treats! Eli also dyed eggs for the first time and really enjoyed it. He is a very hands on kind of artist, so needless to say he has very orange hands after handling his eggs. We got home a little after lunch and all 4 of us crashed. I haven’t taken a good long nap like I did earlier in a long time and boy did it feel so wonderful. I had to make myself get out of bed to fix dinner for my family and get ready for our lunch tomorrow. I think I might just go crawl back in bed right now 🙂

Up up and away!!!

March 21, 2008

This last one doesn’t even look real, but let me assure you, there is no trick photography going on here. It’s crazy cause until I look at the picture I don’t even realize how high he throws him in the air! I have fond memories of baseball players from my dad’s team throwing me up sooo high at the ballpark. Ahhh……….to be so little again…………

Wye Mountain

March 21, 2008

We headed up to Wye Mountain this morning in hopes of capturing some family pictures. This is what we got. It was beautiful and sunny and windy, o so windy! We had fun over all. There was a girl there taking pictures for our Mom’s club. Hopefully she was able to capture some better ones. This is the best of the best out of my shots.

In the car, he decided to smile real big once strapped in and headed home. what a stinker!

This picture really shows how the wind was blowing. Needless to say, our attempts at any with me and the kids was unsucessful mainly due to wind.

I thought this last one was sweet.
I was very pleased with the way the orange looked w/the yellow and green background. I’ll have to keep that in mind for next year……….there’s always next year…………

Lucy laughing

March 21, 2008

The teeth

March 21, 2008

I mentioned in a previous post that Lucy has 2 teeth now, but we couldn’t ever get a picture of them………….that is until tonight. I was able to get a picture that shows her first teeth. They pretty much came in at the same time. I am happy to report that it was very uneventful for Lucy. Besides a lot of drool, we didn’t notice any thing else that can come with teething. Well, I take that back, she did spike a fever a week or so ago, but she didn’t act like she didn’t feel good and she checked out all clear by the doctor, so maybe that was due to teething. Anyway, bottom line, they are here 🙂 Hopefully the rest will come in as easily.

Girl can eat!

March 20, 2008

As I mentioned in another post, Lucy has suddenly discovered her love for food! She went from barely eating a jar of food a day to 2 jars and a couple of snacks throughout the day. This picture is of her chowing down on her second zwieback toast stick in like 10 minutes! She must be growing in a serious way!!!
Krecia and her fiance Patrick me and the birthday girl
Nathan and Patch
The Group

So, last Friday we celebrated Krecia’s birthday. She is one of my favorite people ever! A group of us went to eat at Bruno’s that night. We attempted to get a group shot, this is our best one. Hope you had a wonderful birthday Krec. We love you and were blessed to get to celebrate with you.