So, my mom celebrated her birthday the end of July, but she was far far away on her big day, so we had to celebrate a little later.  Once she made it back we hosted a little family dinner at our house.  Before hand I took the kids to the dollar store to let them pick out a balloon and a present.  They picked out 4 balloons, including a princess one that Eli insisted she needed. 🙂  Then I told him to pick out something to give to Nana from him.  He made a mad dash for the toys and tried to convince me she would like transformer sand molds. I finally got him to look outside the toy section.  Within seconds he came across a dish brush and some other type of scrubber that he claimed would be great for her ceilings.  I thought why not, i told him it was his choice and already vetoed his first couple of suggestions.  He was proud and it turned out she needed some new brushes after all 🙂  A good time was had by all!  We hope to celebrate many more birthdays with you, mom!!!! We love you.



August 12, 2009

Just now we were talking to Eli about how fun it would be to have a new baby brother or sister.  ***Just to be clear, we are NOT pregnant and aren’t quite ready to have the 3rd one just yet. Give us a little time:) ***  So, Eli thought we were talking about exchanging little girl D and I explained that fostering didn’t work that way and that I was talking about having a new sister, like adding a new member to our family and he stopped dancing, cause that is what we were doing, and very seriously said “But I like Lucy!”  Oh my I love that little wiggly guy.