The big 3-0

July 17, 2010

So, it came and went, ya know, the big 3-0.  No biggie.  It’s weird, but not………make sense?  Ha ha  Anyway, my hubby and good friends, the Loibner’s, arranged a little get together with some friends to help celebrate.  They surprised me.  We had thought we would be in our new house by my birthday and celebrate there, but when that wasn’t an option anymore we had no plan B.  It was a nice surprise and I felt very loved.  Here are some pics from my family lunch and then my surprise night.

Eli took this pic 🙂

And Lucy took this one 🙂

Thank you sweet friends and family for making my birthday so special.  I felt very loved.  You guys are great!!!!

San Antonio

July 17, 2010

We have been busy and in between houses, so I am quite behind!  This post and the next couple should be short and sweet 🙂

So, mid to late June, right after we found out we would not be able to close on our house (that’s a whole other post) the kids and I decided to head to San Antonio to visit my parents for a few days.  I decided to try and make it happen on Friday and one of the things that had to happen in order for us to go was to find respite for our foster babies.  It was a long shot, but I thought it was worth a try.  I was hoping to leave Tuesday and by Monday afternoon I had found respite! YEAH!  The kids and I headed out at lunch time and arrived in TX late that night.  They were super travelers.  Nathan had to work, so it was just the 3 of us traveling.  We went hoping that Big Daddy would be able to score tickets to Sea World, but the contact that provides that for his work was out of pocket 😦  We opted to go to the Children’s Museum downtown.  It was a great place and the kids had a blast.  I forgot my camera, so I only have pics on my phone and haven’t transferred those to my computer yet. BooHoo.  Moving along. We spent time at the pool and of course baseball games.  Here are some pics to document the trip.

That's a dancing taco....oh yeah! Henry the Puffy Taco to be exact.