Where does the time go.  So much has happened that I haven’t blogged, but I couldn’t let this go by without a post.  About 7 years ago I met a young lady in my small group that I lead for our church youth group.  I actually met a big group of ladies, but this post is about one in particular.  From the beginning she really reached out to be my friend.  As a result I not only saw her for youth group and small group meetings and such, but shared meals with her family, went shopping, etc.  She was around 14 at the time and is now the big 21.  In that time I have had the privilege to see her grow in her relationship with Christ, her friends and eventually with a special young man.  Their relationship is beautiful and real.  God blessed me with allowing me to see Him work in her and their relationship and now we are within a couple of days of this sweet couples wedding day.  Not only do I get to witness this special day, but I have the honor to get to stand up front with her in her bridal party.  AND, little Lu gets to be one of the 2 cute flower girls.  What a special time.  As you know, leading up to a wedding there are showers and little parties.  Most recently I got to spend an evening with the bride to be and her close girlfriends.  We ate dinner, survived some serious storms, played silly, but fun games, giggled, talked and somewhere in there decided sleep should probly be part of the agenda 🙂  Here are a couple pics from the night.  I wish I had more, but I totally slacked on the picture taking that evening in exchange for fun.  Thanks for allowing me to be in on all the fun! I really enjoyed the girls night and all the girls that it included!

A big shout out and CONGRATS to Kaylee and Blake.  I look forward to sharing in your special day and many years after!!!! Love you both!

A few months ago I let Eli take pictures with my camera.  Lucy saw this and wanted so very badly to take pictures, too.  I finally gave in, put the strap around her neck and said a little prayer.  She fell in love with taking pictures.  Both kiddos enjoy it, but Lucy really enjoys it.  So, I thought I would share some of her work with you out there in bloggy land.  I hope you can appreciate her style.  I see great potential 🙂 (Lu took all pics below with the exception of the one of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her, etc)

So, I have slacked on writing for real! But, rather than be stuck on how far behind I am I will just move forward. K? Okay. So this post is dedicated to Eli and his dressing skillz. I LOVE that he get’s himself dressed these days, but by giving him that responsibility I have had to let go of some of the control. What does that mean? Well, the biggest thing he likes to do is wear things backwards. I put my foot down on underwear, but have allowed him to wear shirts and pants that way if he chooses to, I mean, why not!?! It’s fun for me to see him making choices and expressing himself like this. He is kind of cooky sometimes, but I love every bit of it! So, backwards is the main thing he does with getting dressed, but occasionally he throws something in the mix to spice it up. The other morning I was telling him that it was going to be hot that day so he needed to wear shorts and short sleeved shirt. He went into his room and the next time I saw him he had on a dog costume. I was without words. He looked at me and said, “Look mom, I can wear this dog costume cause it’s short sleeved!” How could I argue with that. I let him wear it all.day.long. We went in public and all. It was kind of freeing to let him wear that all day. And I almost forgot to say that he knew that it was silly. He mentioned to me that if his Nana saw him she would probly giggle.

photo by Lucy