hand me downs

March 28, 2010

The other night I thought it would be fun to try one of my dresses from childhood on Lucy.  I was telling her that I used to wear it when I was her age and Eli immediately asked if there was any clothes that used to be daddy’s that he could try on.  Well, it just so happened that we had a sweater that I believe Nathan AND both his brothers wore at some point.  It is a very unique sweater in my opinion.  I think you might agree 🙂  They both giggled and jumped around like I had just given them a bucket of candy.  Then when I pulled the camera out they both posed together, not just one, but both of them!  Such a fun night and sweet picture.  Thank you Nana Patti and Gramma Gari for keeping up with these, it sure is fun to hand’em down to our kids.  Look out Caleb, I see a horsey sweater in your future! (for those of you who don’t know who Caleb is, it’s Eli and Lucy’s cousin that will be here real soon!)

2 Responses to “hand me downs”

  1. kat Says:

    UM I am LOVING that shirt!!! Awesome. Karl’s mama saved a bunch of his old clothes and we are having fun putting Nate in the same and comparing pictures.

  2. Maury Says:

    Yes, that horse sweater is really unique…it makes me laugh…especially how happy Eli looks….but it is a cute sweater…definately worth keeping over the years! Your dress is cute….it looks about like a smocked dress I had out tonight that Rachel just outgrew. It is much cuter, or more modern than anything I ever had!

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