Hawkzie Walkzie

September 15, 2009

One afternoon, while Eli was playing in the carport, a bug jumped up on his shorts.  It was long, skinny and green.  It was similar to a grasshopper, but not the usual looking grasshopper.  It basically looked like a blade of grass with legs.  So I say, “Eli, you have a grasshopper on your shorts” and he looks and then seems unsure of what to think about that.  He asks me how to get it off and I tell him to just brush it off.  So it lands on the driveway and E becomes totally fascinated with it.  He starts saying “I’ve never seen a grasshopper.  I want to keep him for my pet.  I will name him Hawkzie Walkize.”  He then looks at me and calmly says “mom, go get the camera and take my picture with him.” So, as any good mom would do, I run in praying that this little guy won’t hop off before I make it back to document this for Eli.  I get back and it is still there, so we these pictures:


Not long after those were taken, Hawkzie Walkzie jumps onto E’s head.  He is again not sure what to think about him being on him and I tell him to brush him off.  This time lil hawk didn’t stick around.  Instead he jumped off into our front lawn.  E immediately started looking for him and was a little stressed out that he had lost his first pet.  His little heart was set on keeping him.  After a long search (about 45 seconds) E decided to wait on the front steps in case hawkzie came back.  At this point Lucy joins him to wait.IMG_2725IMG_2729

He actually waits a few minutes,  all the while I am trying to think of a distraction to get us back inside.  Finally we decide to come in a draw pictures of him and send them to gramma.  It must have been theraputic for him, cause he hasn’t asked about him since 🙂  Good times.

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