Catch up: Nana’s birthday

August 19, 2009

So, my mom celebrated her birthday the end of July, but she was far far away on her big day, so we had to celebrate a little later.  Once she made it back we hosted a little family dinner at our house.  Before hand I took the kids to the dollar store to let them pick out a balloon and a present.  They picked out 4 balloons, including a princess one that Eli insisted she needed. 🙂  Then I told him to pick out something to give to Nana from him.  He made a mad dash for the toys and tried to convince me she would like transformer sand molds. I finally got him to look outside the toy section.  Within seconds he came across a dish brush and some other type of scrubber that he claimed would be great for her ceilings.  I thought why not, i told him it was his choice and already vetoed his first couple of suggestions.  He was proud and it turned out she needed some new brushes after all 🙂  A good time was had by all!  We hope to celebrate many more birthdays with you, mom!!!! We love you.


One Response to “Catch up: Nana’s birthday”

  1. Maury Draper Says:

    Hey, I found your blog in a long round about way.

    I love Eli’s presents!! Of course she needs those scrub brushes! Kids are so funny. We do the Dollar Tree gifts with the kids too, and I love to see what everyone picks out.

    Happy Birthday to your pretty momma!

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