Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2009

We are happy to report that Lucy seems to be getting better.  Yesterday afternoon we were still concerned and called our doctor.  She recommended we go to the Children’s Hospital after hours pediatric clinic.  We called about 5pm and they had an appt open for 8:30 last night.  AS SOON as we made the appt Lu started to perk up a bit.  She didn’t spike any fever and was seeming pretty normal, but we went anyway with the attitude that it is better to be safe than sorry.  So, it all turned out fine and we were in and out of there within 45 minutes.  Eli stayed with Nana last night, so this morning we went over there to pick him up and open some valentine presents.  They were both in such a good mood!  They got books and a couple of outfits.  I found these suckers that are attached to huge lips. Eli had fun with it, but Lucy was not having it 🙂  So I put hers in and took some pics, too.  Hope everyone is enjoying their day.  



3 Responses to “Happy Valentine’s Day”

  1. Susan Says:

    We almost ran into you at the after hours clinic then. Sat. morning Setler has goopy eyes and was rubbing them and whining…then they started turning pink. Since he’s had so many ear infections, the nurse was worried it was backing up into his eye…however, it miraculously got better, so we didn’t have to. However, that’s the 2nd time I’ve called them at Children’s. Very handy and helpful.

  2. Megan Says:

    I watched a video at school yesterday with Laura McNeese. It was from her daughter Gaines and Nathan’s prom. She pointed out Nathan to me! ha

  3. Lisa Henry Says:

    I was talking to Susan yesterday, and she told me that she heard you got a foster baby placement. I am so happy for you! Please let me know how things go. We have turned in out paperwork and are waiting for backgroud checks and stuff to go through before we start our classes. I’m so curious to know what it is like. Thanks and God Bless!

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