Labor Day

September 2, 2008

We had a low key Labor Day.  We went to Wild River Country.  We were blessed to have my Mema with us and we met a couple from our community group, too.  With more than just me and the kids making the trip we were able to go on slides and that was very fun.  Eli was all about the slides.  We played hard.  Lucy didn’t even make it out of the parking lot awake.  Eli tried real hard to stay awake.  If we would have been in the car 5 more minutes he would have been out, but we weren’t so when we got home and attempted to take him straight to his room for nap he woke up just enough to realize we were skipping a very important step in our day……………eating a popsicle!  All summer we have had a popsicle upon returning from the pool and yesterday was no exception.  Afterwards Eli went down for a nap and our friends came back to our house for lunch, ice cream and a card game (I was not in on the card game:] )  Anyways, it was a nice day. Hope everyone else was able to enjoy some quality time with friends and family.

One Response to “Labor Day”

  1. Jerry James Says:

    Thats some big molars Lucys got coming in.

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