Kansas City

March 20, 2008

sneek preview
This is their roommate Carrie

TMNT dude!
Little pig little pig let me in!!!

Gramma and Lucy
Lucy has definitely bumped up the amount of food she eats!!! She couldn’t get enough this past weekend.

Uncle Elliott

Aunt Tarah and Lucy

We had the pleasure of spending a long weekend in Kansas City. We went to visit Eli and Lucy’s Gramma Gari and Aunt Tarah. O, and we also got to see Uncle Elliott. 🙂 It was a wonderful weekend! Well, the company was great, the weather was cold and rainy. While we were there Gramma Gari made Lucy an easter outfit. It was fun for me to go pick out a pattern and fabric and then watch her put it together!!! It is so stinking cute! We took a couple of pictures when we tried it on to make sure the size was good, but it wasn’t complete. I have included a picture, but you will see the finished product after we take Easter pictures on Sunday. Eli was in play play play mode from sun up to sun set. His Gramma had all sorts of toys and dress up clothes and masks and hats………he never had a dull moment. Thanks for having us!!!! We look forward to seeing you again real soon!


March 9, 2008

So, lately Eli has been playing with his action figures and making them talk to each other. Some common things that he makes them say are: “HELP! I’m stuck!” or “HI” “Oh, Hi”, etc…..but just now I heard something for the first time. One Buzz figure looks at the other and asks “You poopy?” “Oh, I change you” then a few minutes later Buzz asks “Who’s poopy? You Poopy?” It made me laugh and thought it might make you laugh, too. If not, well, I don’t know………..

do you like my hat?

March 8, 2008

I have been reading some books on activities to do with children 1-3yrs old. Eli has reached an age that he needs a little more structure when playing. So one of the ideas in the book wasn’t anything new or that I haven’t heard of, just needed my mind to be refreshed and pushed a little to get in the right direction. If you haven’t kind of guessed by the picture we have started a “dress up” box. We decided to start this box about a week or so ago. It started with 2 hats and has quickly become several hats, several fun pairs of sunglasses and 1 hawaiian leis. Eli’s nana added a few hats to our collection this afternoon and we had fun playing with them. Here is Eli, Lucy and their Aunt Tarah playing earlier today.

Somebunny is crawling!

March 5, 2008

Okay, so I admit that is an extremely cheesy title, but I had to tie the bunny ears in there in some way. I’m not sure if they were mine or one of my dolls, but either way they are from my childhood. I have so loved going through my old baby clothes and dolls. But anyway, back to Lucy’s big news……. so, yesterday Lucy discovered that she could crawl. She hasn’t gotten it down, but she is practicing 🙂 She also has 2 teeth coming in. They are her two front bottom teeth. We haven’t been able to get a picture of them yet, but soon my friends, very soon.

talking in circles

March 4, 2008

Nathan has posted a fun video. You should check it out 🙂http://nathans-soliloquyme.blogspot.com

Also, if you check blogs regularly or at all really and you haven’t set up a google reader or something like that you should really conisder it. It saves soooooo much time!!!!

Okay, that should be all for today. I think I have posted enough for now.

6 month pics

March 4, 2008

well, lucy is almost 8 months old now, but i wanted to share her 6 months pics we had done. i would have posted them earlier, but i had to scan them to the computer first. o well, better now than never 🙂

pizza and friends

March 4, 2008

Alex and Lucy
Pizza Chefs

Eli and Lucy had some friends come over this morning to play. We had a big time. For lunch the kids got to make their own pizzas. They had a good time. Now it’s time for nap! 🙂


March 4, 2008

Well, we finally got to see some snow. We bundled up and went out to experience snow, but our outting was very quick. Since we don’t have a need for snow shoes and gloves, we don’t own any. It didn’t take very long for Eli’s feet and hands to get real cold so we said goodbye to the snow and came back in to our warm house. It was fun while it lasted and it sure does look pretty.