"YOU… ARE…. A…….TOY!"

December 16, 2007

If you spend any amount of time at our house then you definitely recognize the quote in the title. We are quickly becoming experts on Toy Story and Toy Story 2. As I was uploading the pictures for this post I overheard Eli say, “YOU ARE A TOY!”, as he was playing with Buzz and Woody. It seemed an appropriate title for this post, although I’m not positive why……. So Christmas has offically begun for our family. We celebrated with my brother and his family yesterday afternoon and then with my Grandmother, Aunt and cousins last night. Eli and Lucy recieved very cool toys and clothes. Eli also recieved a very cool jacket from his Great Aunt Becky, it is a bomber jacket with Buzz Lightyear patches. Here are pictures of him sporting his new Buzz Lightyear jacket. He isn’t much of a camera ham so this is the best I could do to get the picture. It was all I could do to get his shirt on first, he kept saying “my jacket”. I will post more pictures from the 2 celebrations yesterday later. We are getting ready for church, so I better go freshen up. Enjoy! And thank you Aunt Becky for such a cool gift!

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