Spit Happens

September 25, 2007

And at our house it happens all the time 🙂 She really gets Nathan good at least once a day.

One Response to “Spit Happens”

  1. Jerry James Says:

    I think they are called “spit torpedos” While I was holding her on Sunday she shot several anywhere from two to three feet. She pretends to not take aim, but I wonder. And then there is the spit deke. That’s another word for trick. You can be looking at her from a profile position and be unaware that she is spitting out the side of her mouth you can’t see. Then it runs down the side of her cheek to the back of her neck, down your leg, onto the floor and into the next room. Amazing. It’s like invisible spitting up backwards.
    But you know what? She is SOOO SWEET and completely lovable in every wet way.

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