
July 14, 2007

6 Responses to “Pictures!”

  1. suzanne Says:

    she’s just beautiful!

    can’t wait to hear how y’all are all doing and how eli is adjusting!!

  2. Katie Says:

    Amy, This is Katie gray-hill… I found your web-site through Megan Harvey. Just wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your baby girl. She is beautiful!

  3. jonas's opinion Says:

    Hey guys… she is absolutely beautiful. I have been checking your blog everyday, several times a day, to make sure I haven’t missed any new posts. I can’t wait to meet her!

  4. The Walkers Says:

    Hello beautiful! Your sweet face is so precious!

  5. Julia Harvey Says:

    Miss Lucy is so very beautiful! I want to see more of the Princess. Amy, you have a lovely family.

    Julia – Meg’s Mom

  6. Erica Says:

    gosh, she’s pretty. i remember the joy of having our little girl and seeing her so small in her hospital bed. i love her little nose and her dark skin; she reminds me of norah when she was brand new.

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