The Bible

April 24, 2007

This afternoon it was becoming more and more obvious that Eli had missed a nap. Around 5pm we decided to read some books. Eli had found a bag that I had both his books and some of my books in from our recent trip to Monticello. I had taken all of his out, but he insisted that he need to get one of mine out. It turns out the only book left in the bag was my bible. I told Eli that the bible was too long to read right now and that I had other books (including his toddler bible) that we could read. He then went into fit mode and started crying “BI-BLE!!!” over and over! Full on fit with tears and a red face. I took a few deep breaths and offered him his toddler bible one more time and when he wouldn’t take that as an option I waited him out. We paced back and forth behind the couch for a good 3minutes crying and saying “BI-BLE!” before he finally realized he was getting nowhere and joined me on the couch for some stories. He was in a most lovable and playful mood for the hour that followed before bedtime. It amazes me how he can turn it on and off in a matter of seconds!

2 Responses to “The Bible”

  1. jclozada Says:

    I love reading your blog moments! How are you feeling with Lucy? She will be here soooo soon! Let’s get together and walk or have a playdate. I have tried calling you several times, but have had no luck in getting you.

  2. Suzanne Says:

    i know i’ve already said it, but if you want to talk or have any “how to” questions once lucy’s here please don’t hesitate to call – i’ve had 2 under 2 constantly for approximately 4 years now!

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