Last Sat was the official start of the NLR Farmer’s Market. They have been open for a little bit, but that day was the big celebration and such. There was a ribbon cutting, a few words from our Mayor and Jodi Hardin, the man behind this and the new Argenta grocery. They had a great local bluegrass band and they served beefalo burgers. We ended up with local honey, blackberries and strawberries. It was fun to be a part of the “beginning”. If you haven’t already, you need to check out the new FM. They are open Tuesday and Sat from 7-12. It is on Main Street in downtown NLR. The farmers are all local and bring true homegrown goodies each week. Here is a link with more information for all those that are interested.

Krecia and Patch

June 9, 2008

We had the privelage of hosting a couples shower with 2 other lovely ladies a couple of weekends ago. It was for our friends Krecia and Patrick, aka Patch. I have known Krecia for several years now and have only recently been around Patch, but we approve! 🙂 We couldn’t be more excited!!! Congratulations!!

Last week our friend, Ardyn, celebrated is 1st birthday. Is actual bday feel in the middle of the week, so we celebrated by meeting at the Farmer’s Market in NLR to pick up some fruit for snacking, then caught a trolley over to LR to go to the Peabody to see the ducks. It was a good day. Eden and Eli loved playing at a little area that appeared Chinese inspired while waiting for our trolley to return. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Thanks for letting us in on your big day Ardyn!

My mini garden

June 6, 2008

I got an itch to try growing some veggies and herbs this year. I decided to take baby steps and only planted a handful. I am sooo excited about all of it, but especially my squash plant! It has blooms on it which means that the squash is coming soon! (I think, i’m new at this) So, I thought I would share what I have growing:
I took this picture from inside the patio, so the screen has made it a little fuzzy, but here are my squash flowers

I planted 2 basil plants and then for fun I sprinkled some basil seeds, not really believing they would grow, but they are and so we have much basil. Anyone need some? I can only make so much pesto. Does anyone have any good recipes that call for fresh basil? If so, share please.

Cherry tomatoes…..hopefully. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will come

red bell pepper, not thriving like the squash, but still growing strong

*I also have cilantro and oregno and a plant that is called Chicken Gizard, what a horrible name!*

It’s Nathan

June 6, 2008

Well, since we have started publishing “The James Family” blog in a book form, Amy and I thought that it would be good for me to contribute to it also. So, I thought about what my first blog could be about, and couldn’t think of anything better than…Poop.

Last night, I was playing with the kids in the play room, and Amy walked in and said “Oo, I think someone is poopy.” I responded with my usual, “It’s not daddy.” Amy said, “It’s not mommy.” And, right on cue, Eli said, “It’s Eli!” It was quite humorous.

Not related to poop, Eli was in the bath and slipped splashing water everywhere. When he stood back up, he looked up at me and said “It’s whip er wee.” It took me just a minute before I was able to translate to “It’s slippery.”

Then, back to subject, and later on that night, I was reading Eli a book while he walked around and climbed on me. I had not bothered to put his diaper on yet after his bath. Then, in the middle of the book, Eli said, “Daddy, look! It’s coming.” I look at him and he is pointing between his legs where there is something hanging about 4 inches! Once it falls, Amy grabs him and they go to sit him on the toilet. I know it may be gross, but…

One of these books is not like the other.
One of these books just doesn’t belong.
Can you guess which book is not like the others by the time I finish this post?

And here is a picture of him trying so hard to use the potty. He just hasn’t quite mastered the concept. It is a lot of pressure.

fun in the sun

June 5, 2008

We have been loving the pool this summer! It’s fun, helps break up our days AND it makes for great naps when we return home 🙂 Plus, I get sun 🙂

laying out

June 3, 2008

Okay, so we met our friend Jess at the pool this morning. She had somewhere to be right after lunch time, so while we ate lunch, she laid on a lounge chair to dry off in the sun. Eli asked me what she was doing to which I said, “laying in the sun to dry off” and then he didn’t mention anything else. She left and we played in the water a bit more. When it was time to start drying off and putting dry clothes on Eli insisted that he have a towel laid on a lounge chair so he could lay in the sun and dry off. And he did, he laid real still for a few minutes (which is good for his age) and then he would freak out because his towel would start to fall or move out of place. It was pretty cute to see him mimic her. I wish I would have had my camera………

Since I’m talking about Eli already I thought I would throw in another story. Lately we have been eating popsicles everyday. Ya know, those that are in the long plastic sleeve like thing and you push them up. Anyway, Eli is always looking to eat as many of them that you will allow and as often as you will allow. He will wake up and say he is hungry and I’ll say we need to eat breakfast and he will reply “No breakfast. I need a popsicle.” Or I’ll say let’s go to the pool and without missing a beat he’ll say “And eat a popsicle?” And when we are about to have one I might say something like we can have one and he will say “And then another one?” It’s humerous cause he isn’t throwing fits or whining, he just sneaks it in anytime he can to see if you might let him have more.

love those swings

June 3, 2008

One of my favorite things at the park are the swings. It was such a beautiful day today and we made every effort to enjoy it. We started the day off at the pool, came home to nap and as soon as we got up we headed out for the park. On the way there we picked up my Mema and ended our afternoon eating dinner at her house and coming home just in time for bedtime. It was a great day, a little bit on the hot side, but very good.